What’s in a Number?
Stats, ugh, I’m so not a numbers person, witness my go-round with algebra in the last year. Those who know me know this, and know also that I believe health issues are a private matter, to be shared if so desired, but definitely not anyone’s business if you choose to keep it to yourself. As…
Kentucky Sunshine
This is a wonderful place to be. Wrapped in warmth and not from a furnace – the gentle warmth of sunshine, surrounded by blue skies and soft breezes. The birds are singing all around me; made it hard to hear the You-Tube video I’m thinking of putting on this post – bluegrass – not my…
Bunnies With No Heads???
Do not be dismayed, this post will give you hope and encouragement, I promise 🙂 As often mentioned in these pages, I’m a traditionalist; I believe tradition is the glue that binds us together. Today I’ll tell a quick story about a mother who used to buy the best solid chocolate Easter bunnies for her…
Another Countdown
I like countdowns; they help me remain organized in the process of leaving on a trip and generally are the source of good memories – preparing for the numerous road trips taken with my girls. I’ve posted others, counting down to leaving on holiday, going to spend time with a daughter for Christmas, memories from…
This isn’t a problem; it’s a feature …
As my dad says, “There you have it,” My title for the day – a statement I heard from an unnamed source. I just love it; in fact, it gets better. The speaker went on to say it was a “feature” strategically placed to help the listeners learn a lesson. I cannot wait to actually…
This, too, shall pass…
A quick google of today’s title finds it defined as a proverb; not a quote from the Bible – you gotta love a phrase that has its own wiki 🙂 It may be based on the oft-repeated phrase, “And it came to pass,” first used in Genesis chapter four and depending on your source and…
Seasons …
Here’s a switch, music from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, this piece being Spring; not my usual rock’n’roll, but it fits the title and I am a pianist/musician so enjoy! We’re rapidly approaching a new season on the calendar; Spring is a week away and definitely in the air. But in the last week I’ve had a…
No Good Deed Goes …?
Surely some of you know the rest of that aphorism. Because of my belief in the power of words, often stated here – words matter – I won’t be finishing the statement; in fact today we’ll do a test run on a new ending, give it a new spin. And I do love spin 🙂…
Cows on the Loose and a Mouse in the House
How’s that for just another Sunday afternoon on the farm? All I was trying to do was get a head-start on the trimester of school that begins tomorrow. Way too simple a plan for the day apparently. The mouse was and still is more unpleasant than the cows – smaller, but more intimidating. Who wants…
Greatest disaster in over 200 years?
How do we even begin to comprehend the scope of what has occurred? Comfortable here in the US, yet watching the nightmare happening in Haiti, what do you do? How do we help? It’s heartening to hear of all the good still in people’s hearts, as folks from around the world pull together in a…