… But Keep the Old …
According to one Web site I found, the title words, which I’m sure many of you know, are supposed to be part of a traditional Girl Scout song. Other sites described it as a children’s song and I sang it as a child in music class as a round. The theme being on my mind…
Smiling at this Lenten Memory
Who knew when deciding to embark on the next 30 days to leaving the Shoulds and an Illegitimate Ruler behind that it would coincide beautifully with Lent? Well, Someone knew and ya gotta love how these things work out 🙂 So my Lenten journey it will be. I’ve never been one to “give something up…
What’s in a Word?
A quick peruse of Roget’s online Thesaurus gives many synonyms for the word hopeful. My favorite? There are several, but blithe and buoyant just kind of roll off the tongue. I love words and languages, and words, as I am known for saying, matter. And frankly, I’ve been witnessing some challenges with words. Are the…
I Won’t Do It …..
No, I won’t, I will not title this nor will I think in terms of how many hours are left before I get on a plane and head for home. I just am not ready to think about my time here with Meghan coming to an an end. So I will focus on the…
Jump Out of the Boat!!
As mentioned earlier, we attended a great church, Seacoast Church, just blocks from Meghan’s apartment, on Christmas Eve, and then a satellite campus in Mount Pleasant on the weekend. The young preacher had a great message and I have two points scribbled in large letters on a piece of paper that were made during the…
Countdown 8 Days
One week and one day – I can hardly wait. What does that mean anyway? Of course I can wait. How would I NOT wait? I will do what countless women have done through the ages – clean something! In fact, I have closets, cupboards, drawers, all of which will be at least touched…
Countdown 9 Days, part two
So the last time we were together, the three of us, was eight months ago – EIGHT MONTHS! There was a time that I didn’t go eight HOURS without hugging them and now it’s eight months and will be more since we shared a group – all three of us – hug. I do not…
COUNTDOWN 9 Days part one
Countdown to …? I’m counting down till I get on a plane and fly to a warmer climate for Christmas and nine days of holiday. That would be exciting any time, but most special now because I’m spending my holiday with one of my daughters. It’s a gift from the girls together, very precious to…
There was a time when the words Snow Day brought a great deal of excitement. An unexpected gift, a free day, no school, put on your snow-pants – remember those? – and head outside to make snow angels, a snowman or just play in the snow. Funny how things change as we get older …..…