O Give Thanks …

To many,  those words are the familiar beginning of a common prayer spoken after meals.  Growing up in my house, it was said after every meal taken together.  According to the clock, Thanksgiving Day 2009, is history and I’d like to end my day with a word of reflection.

It was a good day, and like so many, contained ups and downs.  Being the “up” person that I am, I’m thankful for the good things and will deal with the “down” things tomorrow as need be.  There are three more days before the next weekly routine returns and there’s lots to accomplish in those three days so I’m thankful for the time.

I spent the day with loved ones, starting in a worship service attended with a brother, followed by dinner with his family.  I spoke to my other two brothers on the phone as well as a sister-in-law and nephews ,  my folks, a niece and a special aunt, mentioned often in this blog, Auntie Arlene, and of course, my daughters.

Email brought greetings from expected and one unexpected source, and I’m thankful for the technology that allows us to stay in touch across the miles. I spent a few hours on algebra with my trusted study partner, again, thanks to technology we can study together though we live in different parts of the state.

I’m going to lay down and close out the day, uncharacteristically leaving dishes in the sink.  It’s okay and I’m thankful that I have the choice.  There was a day I wouldn’t dream of going to bed with kitchen less than perfect; thankfully I’m more comfortable with myself and my home, knowing I answer only to myself and my Lord.  And I believe He’s smiling as I leave this untidy kitchen to the morning and prepare to rest. It’s time.

It’s been a good day and I’m a thankful woman turning in for the night, à demain ….

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