Yep, my friends, another Christmas is history, ready to be packed away until next year. Is that how you really feel? Dare I say, “Not me”? In my world, now is the time to keep that Christmas spirit front-and-center, with the light of Jesus still shining in all its beauty and glory. It’s inside of you, at least it can be. Do you remember that old favorite song from childhood ? I challenge you to sing it out loud and not feel joy, deep in your soul, and try, just try, to keep a smile off your face.
As we move into the part of winter that seems to go on forever, early darkness, cold, cloudy skies, it’s fairly easy to become as gloomy as the weather. Here in the Midlands, January and February are the rainy months. Some folks experience a seasonal depression. I’m here to tell you that there’s no need to dwell in darkness. You, too, can have a relationship with the Light of the World, as Jesus calls Himself in John 8:12. Friends know that I generally don’t speak of being happy. Happiness comes and goes, depending on what is happening around you. I prefer joy, that deep-down sense of well-being that allows me to have peace, regardless of circumstances, because my life and hope are built on the rock of faith in Jesus Christ.
This is available to all, free for the asking. Reach out, take hold of Jesus. If you want assistance or more information, use the contact form, I’m here to encourage you, to help you find that relationship or strengthen the one you have. JOY TO THE WORLD!! Keep it going every day. Grace, joy, and peace, y’all!!