Thanksgiving started Wednesday evening, a soup supper with a friend and her daughter prior to attending an ecumenical service here in town. It was different, but okay and I made a valuable contact for the research paper in progress. We saw our first real snow – wet and heavy. I came home to study a bit and catch up on some much needed sleep.
I spent the day with family and friends, ate great traditional food with a bit of chocolate thrown in for the occasion! I spoke with my daughters, always the highlight of any day and with my favorite Auntie Arlene, a familiar name to readers. I also had a delightful conversation with a young woman who’s become a wife and mother since we last saw one another – a real positive in my day; in fact, we became Facebook friends already. What did we ever do without technology – another thing for which I’m thankful. Dinner was enhanced with the presence of my study partner, a friend for many years, but one who has become a consistent and important person in my life. I mention her often, but now y’all have a visual of the team that gets it done!
Email brought greetings from expected and unexpected sources, always a pleasure and I’m thankful for the technology that allows us to stay in touch across the miles. I made the drive home in blustery winds that attempted to push me around, but my trusty old truck held her own, another blessing, and I arrived safely to dogs that didn’t even want to put a nose out the door. Brrrr, said I, always fairly cold to begin with as I hurried those animals out and back in so I could stay away from an open door.
This is it, end of day for me. I’ll pick up one of the books I’m reading and snuggle in till sleep overtakes. Since Thanksgiving is an American holiday, not celebrated in France, I don’t have a traditional French phrase with which to end. It’s been a good day and to those who know me I say tu connais la musique, you know the deal – I’m giving thanks to my Heavenly Father for continued health and the blessings of those near and dear to my heart. I’m a thankful woman turning in for the night.