There was a time when the night before Ash Wednesday would have my attention more for what was happening at Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Rio than for any spiritual meaning. Tonight is different.
I’ve had an interesting week and am feeling very blessed! I was given insight into a situation that had been on my heart and the message was very positive and hopeful. I’ve once again had the opportunity to participate in a big way in making a difference in some one’s life and there is nothing that compares to the feeling!!! I’ve also had a situation that could have been fairly upsetting, but instead I’ve seen the miracle in it and am giving thanks. And I mean miracle, plain as day.
I believe I’ve mentioned my current Bible study and it gets into the whole concept of miracles, what’s real, what’s not, what can we ask for and what can we claim. It is so timely in my life.
I’m coming up on the three-year mark of what I believe to be being healed of brain cancer. Three years ago at this time I was enduring unbelievable headaches, pain beyond description, even for someone who had suffered intense migraines for decades.
I’ll not recount it here, as it’s a life event that occurred and is in the past. Lent and Easter of 2006, though, were intense times and many lessons have been learned and many memories made since then. I said then and have lived it since – no health challenge is going to define me. Shape perhaps, maybe even refine or hone some of my beliefs, but defined by a physical challenge? No thanks!!
So embarking on this Lenten 2009 journey of leaving behind SHOULD and its ensuing guilt, I’m a very grateful, very thankful, very fulfilled woman, living daily in wonder at the blessings I have and see all around me. Everything peachy? Not quite, but compared to where I’ve been, things look pretty good. The French refer to la vie en rose; I’d say it’s all in how you choose 🙂 Adieu……